Keep the system

Keep the systemKeep the system
  1. Hoping this paper can keep the system help in the future .


  2. The US military insists this will never happen because it is working to keep the system watertight .


  3. The sufficient conditions which keep the system stabilization are gained . Then the numerical indicates the validity of the results .


  4. Support staff includes the people who will maintain the system as well as IT operations staff who will have to keep the system running .


  5. Whether you use one or the other , these metrics will help you keep the system less complex and easier to maintain and test .


  6. The basics involve ensuring an adequate number of physical disks to keep the system from becoming I / O bound .


  7. Since the potential damage to the wider economy was so great , taxpayers have had no choice but to keep the system afloat .


  8. In the platform of Visual C + + , making use of MFC to design assignment of role and power , which keep the system safe ;


  9. For the acceptance of the certification body of the certification audit , the organization should be well prepared , keep the system running effectively .


  10. As the important part of RRM , congestion control can determine the appropriate transmission parameter for AT and keep the system in a steady state .


  11. In everything we do , whether writing tests , writing production code , or refactoring , we keep the system executing at all times .


  12. That keeps everyone happy ; the politicians get cheap money ; the commercial banks make money ; and the central banks keep the system liquid .


  13. Keep the system in compliance with relevant wellbore temperature into the wind , and can also play the role of energy to saying and emission reduction .


  14. Operating system is adopted choose open-source embedded Linux system as a program running platform , so can save large economic investment , and can keep the system stability .


  15. And when it comes to using LotusScript and R5 , you have some practical advice that can help keep the system running smoothly .


  16. Our desire is to keep the system maintainable , and therefore we want our logging approach to keep the code as clean and simple as possible .


  17. In order to keep the system stable , an algorithm will be researched to compensate the network delay . Firstly , the concept of NCS is presented .


  18. The simulation shows that compensators and forecast arithmetic are effective both to keep the system stable and to limit the system overshoot and shorten the system 's transient behavior .


  19. By analyzing these parameters , the existing faults and the potential faults can be identified effectively ; it provided a reference on how to keep the system operated steadily .


  20. The slope compensation module produces a compensation voltage which has relationship to input and output voltage , keep the system stable when the duty cycle is more than 50 % .


  21. Owing to time constraints , lack of system integrity testing , but also need to keep the system functional modules for maintenance and modifications to adapt to the new regulatory requirements .


  22. Since the shipyard 's designing software is different , it is necessary to building the data interface in order to apply the forecast system expediently and keep the system running normally .


  23. With the development of computer and automatic technology , the computer monitoring system is used in many small hydropower stations . It is very necessary to keep the system from LEMP violating availably .


  24. When the hot waste gas is applied in the injection powdered coal system drying powdered coal , the remnant oxygen analysis may keep the system in security and examine the gas tightness .


  25. To keep the System of Household Contract Responsibility , the core is to make it stable and improve the land contract relationships . However , the system is not the end of the rural economic reform .


  26. Conservative officials , ironically , now muse about selling off the very assets ( such as CMHC ) that helped to keep the system resilient .


  27. Apple , which updates iOS every year , needs to keep the system fresh to maintain customers ' interest in its products and ensure that software developers keep making apps for its platform .


  28. To study the structure of telecentric beam path for zoom lens system , the axial displacement equation for the stop was deduced , which keep the system telecentric in all zoom position .


  29. This technique is a valid way to keep the system secure , but because there is no real sanitization of the data ( only conditions on it ), current static analysis tools do not properly analyze such code .


  30. So what should investors make of all this ? One lesson is that it shows the Herculean and creative lengths the Fed went to , to keep the system afloat during 2008 and 2009 .
